
Max Pniewski

Originally from Poland, Max has been in the tattooing game since 1999, during which time he has tattooed in Italy, Poland and last decade in the UK. Now Max resides back in Poland and works at Phoenix Rising Tattoo (Torun – POLAND).


As a tattoo artist, Max has been rapidly developing his skills in both tattooing and many medias of painting and digital art. Now comfortable in all styles of tattooing but is particularly focused on the “realistic” path, focused on colour work mostly. Max is know as one of the most traveling artists in the industry, heading conventions and guest spots every month for last couple of years. His hard work and dedication is giving him strong roots on “tattoo map”.

In 2013 Max took his realistic tattooing into another level and invented the “LEGOLISM” style which is based on Lego blocks world combined with realism using the same technics as Max is using in his everyday tattooing (blur effects, 3 plans of composition, alternative light etc).

Winning a lot of conventions and being nominated to Tattoo Artist Of The Year in 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016 by various tattoo related publishers is giving some extra energy to work hard, but for Max the biggest energy source are customers willing “wearing” his tattoos. “Always remember where you coming from” – it`s Max`s rule of life, that`s why he always is pushing himself to be on the top of his game to make sure the customers will get the best from him for the trust they are giving him…